
A radio performance by Ryan Gander & Dexter Sinister
curated by Anthony Huberman
at HOME SWEET HOME, Lower East Side, 9pm

As part of New York's PERFORMA series, Ryan Gander & Dexter Sinister have recorded a spoken-word version of the pilot programme from Ryan Gander & Stuart Bailey's recently-published proposal for a TV series, 'Appendix Appendix'. The programme is a further attempt to chase a medium running away from itself. Recorded on location in Geneva and edited by Anthony Huberman, the show will be broadcast on WFMU, 91.1FM. A group listening on 30 radio sets will take place at the bar HOME SWEET HOME on Sunday evening at 9pm:

Home Sweet Home
131 Chrystie St.
(Delancey & Broome Sts.)
Lower East Side
Tel: 212 226 5708

Cast: Stuart Bailey, Sarah Crowner, Ryan Gander, Sarah Gephart, Will Holder, Anthony Huberman, David Reinfurt, Eden Reinfurt, and Jan Verwoert.

See http://07.performa-arts.org and http://homesweethomenyc.com

An mp3 recording is also available here.

Posted 9 November 2007 11:16:33


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