
Applied Art

by Stuart Bailey

Transcript of a voiceover by Giles Bailey for Applied Art, Kunstverein, Amsterdam, May 2010.

This was written as the nth iteration of an exhibition of artifacts that, over a number of years and in a variety of venues, has alternated between material and textual forms; that is, between objects on a wall and words on a page. This one was written in order to be read, recorded, then played back amid the objects to serve as an extremely extended caption.

Apologies for the wide PDF. It is output from the file used to make an accordion-folded insert in Dot Dot Dot 20 – a format itself derived from the proportions of the space the exhibition had typically come to occupy. Such cause-and-effect is further elaborated in the text itself.

It follows previous incarnations of the idea at Tallinn, Chaumont, Utrecht, Lyon, Munich, Aberdeen, Porto, Munich again, Oslo, Paris, and Dublin.

The collection is clearly the work of a large constellation. With thanks to the various lenders of the works past and present (Justin Beal, Paul Elliman, Chris Evans, Jason Fulford, Ryan Gander, Katrine Herian, Paulina Olowska, and Stroom, Den Haag); with due regard to the original courtesies and permissions to reproduce these images in the magazine; to the contributors who originally introduced them (Justin Beal, Mark Beasley, Walead Beshty, Michael Bracewell, Gerard Byrne, Diedrich Diederichsen, Paul Elliman, Alice Fisher, Ryan Gander, Mark Geffraiud, Rob Giampietro, David Greene, Samantha Hardingham, Will Holder, Andrew Hunt, Louis Kaplan, Alex Klein, Kim Levine, Louis Lüthi, Eugene Menard, John Morgan, Neil Mulholland, Paulina Olowska, David Osbaldeston, Mark Owens, Emily Pethick, Radim Peško, Seth Price, David Reinfurt, Steve Rushton, David Senior, Mark E. Smith, Sytze Steenstra, Jan Verwoert, Jon Wilde, and Christopher Wilson); and to Jerome O. Drisceoil, Aurélien Froment, John Lovett, Pablo LaFuente, Stefan Kálmar, Daniel Pies, Julia Maier Régis Tosetti, Scott King, Roger Willems, Sam de Groot, Mário Valente Almeida, Susana Sameiro, Jan Verwoert, Isla Leaver-Yap, Emily Pethick, the Werkplaats Typografie, Kristjan Mändmaa, Christophe Lemaitre, Giles Bailey, Maxine Kopsa, Krist Gruijthuijsen, and Frances Stark.

Cover image: Frances Stark, Arrangement for my Better Half (detail), 2010

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Posted 28 July 2012 18:38:42


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